Tag Archives: Certificate of Lawful Existing Use or Development

Planning Success – Certificate of Lawful Development Chichester (CLEUD)

Planning House are pleased to have secured a lawful development certificate for a large garage in a semi-rural area. … More >>

Practical Guide to Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use or Development (CLPUD)

What is a Certificate of Lawfulness relating to Proposed Use or Works?

A Certificate of Lawful Proposed Use or Development (CLPUD also known as a CLOPUD) allows you to obtain a decision from the Local Planning Authority that a proposed use or works does not require planning permission and is lawful under section 192 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.… More >>

Planning Success – Certificate of Lawfulness for HMO’s

Something a little different for these certificate of lawfulness applications…

We’re generally contacted about unauthorised development and the need to secure a certificate of lawful development for an existing use or development (CLEUD). … More >>

Certificate of Lawful Development Planning Success

Planning House secured a certificate of lawful development for an existing use after we demonstrated that a modern stable development changed to a dwelling without planning permission and had been in use in excess of 4 years.… More >>