Tag Archives: How do I modify a s106 agreement?

Planning Success – Durham modification of conditions & s106 agreement

Finally, one of Chris’s simple schemes submitted in 2021 for the modification of conditions & a s106 agreement has been approved!… More >>

Planning Obligations V’s Planning Conditions

Planning Obligations v’s Planning Conditions

Planning House are here to unravel the red tape of planning and in this article we  provide a basic overview of the difference between planning conditions and planning obligations.… More >>

How do you amend a planning permission – s96a v’s s73

How do you amend a planning permission? It’s a question that is still pondered on by town planners, never mind those who don’t work in the industry. … More >>

A Practical Guide to Modification of s106 Planning Obligation Agreements

What is a Section 106 Agreement?

A section 106 agreement (s106 agreement) is designed to make a development that would otherwise not be possible happen by securing mitigation measure and/or contributions from a developer; known as planning obligations.  … More >>