Tag Archives: Planning Success Hartlepool

Planning Success – Grayfields Sports Pavilion in Hartlepool

GOALLLLLL!  We’re thrilled to have secured approval for improvements to the facilities at Grayfields sports pavilion in Hartlepool to allow the club to progress to compete in the northern league.… More >>

Planning Success – Retrospective Works Hartlepool

Planning House are thrilled to secure retrospective planning permission.  The approval related to an extension to a beer garden with a raised decking area at a village pub in Hartlepool.… More >>

Planning Success – Amendment of Planning Approval for Major Development

How do you amend Planning Permission? is a scary but serious question that is often asked. … More >>

Planning Success – Residential Development, Hartlepool

Planning House are thrilled to announce approval subject to a s106 securing developer obligations outline consent for 5 dwellings for a residential development in Hartlepool. … More >>

Planning Success – HMO

We are delighted to announce that we have assisted a client secure approval for change of use from a small scale (up to 6 residents)  House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) to a large scale HMO up to 8 people.… More >>