Planning Success – Appeal Allowed in Co. Durham

Planning House in collaboration with Blake Hopkinson Architects have secured planning permission for up to 66 houses in Co. Durham.

The site lies in the open countryside, bounding the settlement of Esh Winning.  Issues in the appeal included:

  • Development in the countryside;
  • 5 year housing land supply;
  • Impact on the character and appearance of the area; and
  • s106 obligations.

Whilst Durham County Council submitted that they now have a 5 year housing land supply under the new method of calculation published in the NPPF 2018, the Planning Inspector  concluded that material considerations indicate that a decision should be taken contrary to the development plan and the very limited adverse impacts of granting permission would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development.

Planning Appeal Allowed, full decision can be read HERE.


Planning Appeal Durham
66 houses approved in Co. Durham