New Homes
acre site
affordable homes
acres open space
North East Developers
Proposed Development
Homes by Carlton and Believe Housing are proposing a residential development on land adjacent to Snook Acres, Witton Gilbert. The proposal includes one vehicle access point from Front Street with a further pedestrian link within the site to connect the development to the existing community. It is intended to submit a full application seeking planning permission to provide 32 new homes on the site.
The proposed development will comprise a mix of high quality, well designed semi-detached and detached homes, comprising 3, 4 and 5 bedroom properties which include some dormer bungalows to complement the existing housing mix in the surrounding residential area.
The proposal will also secure 25% affordable housing at the site which will be a mixture of affordable rent and affordable home ownership, to provide a diverse housing mix across the scheme. Each property will benefit from off street car parking spaces, with many homes including garages and all properties will have private enclosed rear gardens to create a safe and inclusive place to live. The proposed development also includes open front gardens which will be lawned with some areas of public openspace and landscaping areas to enhance the character and appearance of the development.
The proposed development has been arranged around a cul-de-sac layout to allow for safe access and manoeuvrability for vehicles and to encourage a sense of place and community for residents.
Before the application is submitted we are seeking your views, please take a look at the plans and let us know your thoughts via the contact form below or email: wittongilbert@planninghouse.co.uk
Unfortunately due to the changing situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic the public consultation event due to be held on 16th December 2021 at Witton Gilbert Community Centre has been cancelled. This will be reviewed in the new year. We have extended the consultation period and invite your comments via our contact form, post or email by 3rd January 2022.
"Every home we build is treated as if it was for our own occupation. Working alongside our award-winning design team we spend hours carefully revising design details until they’re just right and we can be confident they'll be perfect for you."
Homes by carlton

The Consultation Event due to be held on 16th December 2021 has been CANCELLED due to the changing situation with the Covid19 pandemic
In the preparation of the planning application we will collect and review all comments and feed them into the proposed scheme as far as is possible. For further information or to comment on the proposals please complete the Comments Form below; email us your comments to wittongilbert@planninghouse.co.uk or write to us at Planning House, 24 Briardene Way, Easington Colliery, Peterlee, Co. Durham SR8 3NR.
Please send your comments to us no later than 3rd January 2022
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our Private Notice.
Have your say...
Leave your details below along with your comments on the proposed development.
Your contact details will not be made public and will be held by Planning House in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations. There will be a further opportunity to comment on the final proposal through Durham County Council’s own consultation process, once the planning application has been submitted. However this may not be as extensive as this consultation.