We are over the moon to secure an approval from Stockton Planning Committee for a self build dwelling at Wynyard. Wynyard is a beautiful modern development with lots of Grand Design self builds.
The Background…
The plot has previously received planning permission for one large dwelling however this application sought permission to sub divide the plot and provide an extra home.
The site is in a sustainable location however generated a significant amount of objections from neighbouring properties. Whilst we acted for the applicant on this one if you are looking to comment on a planning applicant take a look at our blog Everyone is a Nimby!
Concerns were also raised by officers regarding the impact of the proposals on the existing trees. An emergency Tree Preservation Order (TPO) was served and the applicant began to see the dreams of this beautiful self-build family home crumble!
If you have TPOs on a site take a look at our Practical Guide to Tree Preservation Orders.
At this point Planning House was instructed and we were able to effectively negotiate with officers provide additional information and suggest conditions to gain a positive recommendation from Officers.
We supported our client at Planning Committee, where we presented the scheme and a majority of members supported the application and approved the development. The applicant is now raring to get started on site.
We are looking forward to seeing this one commence as soon as conditions are discharged.
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Our eBook on Self Builders has details on the planning process if you’re looking to build your own Grand Design Self Build Home, however if you need assistance then don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.