Planning Success – Planning Permission for Extensions, Chelmsford

Planning House are delighted to assist a repeat client secure planning permission for extensions to their home in Stock, Chelmsford.  The proposed development involved the addition of two, two-story side extensions, alterations and works to the property including changes to glazing and the erection of an ancillary garden outbuilding adjacent the existing swimming pool.

Whilst in general a town planning consultant isn’t required for householder development the site lies within a conservation area, near listed building and with a barn on the site which dates from c.1700 and is considered by the Council to be a non-designated heritage asset due to its historic interest, so instructing a town planner in this case was beneficial.

Planning House worked with the planning case officer and conservation officer at Chelmsford Council at pre-application stage and during the course of the application, providing a planning statement and heritage statement to address the planning issues associated with the proposal.    Due to the heritage constraints the design and overall detail of the development was of significant importance.  If your site has historic interest, we have a number of Practical Guides which cover key planning topics such as Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Heritage Statements.

In terms of the significance of the conservation area, the area is varied in terms of house types and plot size, however our client’s site has a much larger than average size plot, as such the proposed development would not impact on the pattern of development and density in the area.  The Council concluded that given the context, the extensions would remain subservient to and sufficiently in-keeping with the main dwelling within the sizable plot. It’s well screened setting would ensure that the works would not result in unacceptable harm to the Conservation Area setting and the adjacent listed buildings.

Congratulations to our clients and great to work with Ian at Novus Architectural Design, the architect for the development.

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Take a look at our Handy Guide to the Planning Application Process  or our FREE eBook about the application process.

If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.

As always if you need help with your next step in a development proposal, CONTACT US, we’re always happy to chat through a proposal.