J&B Recycling operate a recycling facility at Monument Park, Washington. The facility handles waste from Local Authority recycling schemes; the majority of this is from Sunderland Council but some is from South Tyneside Council.
Planning House are delighted to have assisted J&B in the initial discussions with the Council when they acquired the site relating to types of waste processed.
We are also pleased to announce that Sunderland City Council approved our s73 application for the modification of conditions to allow the taking and despatching of deliveries on Bank Holidays. This included operations to occur to reduce waiting times for sorting which would improve the efficiency of the processing of materials on the site to accommodate Local Authority collection dates and reduce the time that materials are stored at site without being processed.
This improvement to the operation of the facility is a benefit to the area and with a focus of recycling and reducing waste to landfill Planning House was again pleased to support a business which manages waste to secure a greener future.