Last year’s DASH challenge motivated us to get out and about. We loved exploring new places and finding new routes. The happy endorphins helped us sail through the year!
We are currently pondering a new challenge for 2022… but what?? Running/walking seems like a sensible option as it doesn’t cost a penny and there is still so much beautiful countryside and coast to explore! But we can’t quite decide on which route to do, or a fun challenge to set (ideas welcome)!
As we ponder what to do, we started talking about our New Year’s resolutions.
None of the Planning House Team are hung up about New Years Resolutions. As Noella says, “The start of a new year doesn’t hold any magical powers for fresh starts. Unfortunately there’s no bippity-boppity-boo that occurs on January 1st to bring to life the whole “new year, new me” mantra. But… The start of a new year does hold the promise of clean slates and new horizons and blank pages waiting to be filled.”
Like lots of people, Chris is looking to find a bit more ‘me time’ and improve her fitness, which includes replacing wine with something a little healthier (water)!
Rather than committing to a specific resolution, each year Noella chooses a new word… and she aims to become that word. Last year it was “lucky”. She tends to keep the word to herself, so we’ll find out this years word next year. We think that’s a lovely concept!
Helen’s aim is to get the kids to school earlier so that she can get more than a “quick run” in before she starts work! With her new home gym complete, she would also like to use it at least 3 mornings a week or even start taking a lunch break and work out then!
Chrissy also aims to get fitter in 2022 and plans to go for a walk after work or over lunch as a first step. Which gives us an idea for the challenge (or at least a team challenge)…
We all tend to eat lunch at our desks. If we aren’t working, we are checking emails or catching up on social media. Let’s face it, this isn’t the best way to improve our physical fitness and mental wellbeing. A good 30 minute stroll would be much better!
So perhaps a great way to tick off all of our New Year’s resolutions is to commit to a lunch time stroll 3 times a week! A brisk 30 minute walk covers a distance of around 2km and burns about 125 calories. So three 30 minute walks would equate to approx. 6km per week and burn 375 calories (that covers a couple of glasses of wine on a Saturday night)!
We need a bit more time to think about our annual challenge, but for the Planning House team, this sounds like a great way to kickstart the year. And we’ll even provide a prize at the end of each month to the team member who has managed the most strolling! So get your trainers on Team…