Planning House are delighted to have secured planning permission for a clients brick building which was erected without planning permission. An enforcement notice was issued requiring its removal which is now quashed as part of the appeal process.
The building lies outside of the settlement boundary of Station Town, whilst the Council contended that this was an encroachment into the countryside the Planning Inspector disagreed and allowed the retention of the building.
We’re very pleased with this decision and that our client acted quickly in seeking our advice when faced with the enforcement notice.
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If you do find yourself in a situation where you’ve carried out works without consent, be mindful that enforcement issues can be complex and fast paced, take a look at our Enforcement eBook which uncovers everything you need to know about breaches of planning control, including enforcement time limits, non-compliance, the range of methods used to tackle a breach and different types of enforcement notice.
If you’re not sure Contact Us for a chat about next steps.