Planning Success – Refusal of Planning Permission Chester-le-Street

Planning House are delighted that a refusal of planning permission has been dismissed at appeal.  Durham County Council Planning Team had recommended approval of the application for artificial grass pitch  with perimeter fencing,  LED lighting columns, and hard standing areas at a school in Chester-le-Street.

The arguments presented by third parties against the development were compelling.   As well as providing a town planning view on the application, we recommended iPRT Transport Planning to provide highways advice on the planning application.  Much to the delight of our client, Durham Planning Committee Members supported the residents and refused the application.

The Planning Inspector allocated to determine the appeal agreed with the committee and dismissed the appeal.  The Inspector considered that the information supporting the proposed parking management was insufficient to give confidence that the unacceptably adverse effects likely to arise from traffic and vehicle parking could be effective or enforceable by way of planning conditions. The Inspector found that the considerable harm that would arise to those living conditions would not be outweighed by the proposal’s benefits.  The Inspector also considered that development would not make a positive contribution to an area’s character, identity, heritage significance, townscape and landscape features.  Whilst the other reasons for refusal were considered acceptable, we’re delighted that our clients have received the appeal decision supporting their position.

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A town planner is not always necessary. If you’re unsure whether you need assistance from a town planner, review our blog  When to Hire a Town Planner.  Or our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.

We have published a free eBook titled Free eBook on Basics of Appeals that outlines the appeals procedure.  You might also find the following articles helpful:

Refusal of Planning Permission Chester-le-Street. Appeal Dismissed.