Category Archives: Collection Green Belt

New National Planning Policy Framework (2021)

If you’re writing a planning statement, appeal or determining an application STOP and take a look at the revised version of the National Planning Policy Framework.More >>

A Practical Guide to Material Planning Considerations

When planning permission is being sought out for a new development, there are an endless number of potential objections and issues that may be raised by concerned local residents.… More >>

A Practical Guide to Conservation Areas

What is a Conservation Area?

The purpose of a conservation area is to protect a location of particular historical or architectural interest, it is desirable to preserve or enhance its character or appearance.… More >>

A Practical Guide to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

What is a Tree Preservation Order?

Tree Preservation Orders (or TPOs) are placed upon trees that have been assessed and identified as having ‘amenity value’.… More >>

Is the Pre-Application Process Worth Doing?

At the end of a meeting with any new client regarding development potential of a site I am often faced with the question “so what’s the next step” and my response is usually one along the lines of “you COULD submit a preapplication enquiry” where I go on to list the many benefits of a pre-application submission (which I DO acknowledge) however I usually reluctantly caveat my response with “but it might not be useful in this instance”.More >>

Is it time to rebrand Green Belts?

For all the drama surrounding the ‘once in a generation’ reform of England’s planning system heralded by the various Government announcements in 2020, the most emotive and divisive planning issue of all was conspicuously absent – Green Belt.… More >>

A Practical Guide to Development in the Green Belt

There are 6 main steps to consider when a proposed development lies within a Green Belt.… More >>

Mental Health and Town Planning

With an estimated 1 in 4 people living with a mental health issue, and COVID-19 forcing many of us to face additional stressors, psychological health in the UK is a more pressing issue than ever before.… More >>

Guide to Development Plot Types

Today we’re going to give you a whistle-stop tour of the main plot types you can (and can’t!)More >>

The Effects of COVID-19 on our Towns and Cities

Right from the Black Death through to the more recent Ebola epidemics, public health crises have consistently impacted the way we think about the functioning of our towns and cities. … More >>