New Homes
Affordable (RENT & BUY)
Bungalows INCLUDED
Local Developer
Proposed Development
believe housing are considering proposals for the construction of 60 affordable homes on
land at Sunderland Road, Easington Village.
Proposals would see six Bungalows for affordable rent and
a mix of two, three and four bed homes for affordable rent, rent to buy and shared ownership tenures.
The scheme will include energy efficient homes and renewable technology as well as low
carbon heating systems in all homes.
believe housing is one of the North East`s largest housing associations. They pride themselves on putting
people at the heart of everything they do to provide better housing services, homes and communities.
From the work they undertake across County Durham, believe housing know there is huge demand for affordable
homes in many of our communities, including Easington.
Site Plan showing context of the site
Arisag House Type (Elevations)
Arisag House Type (Floor Plans)
Brookwood House Type (Elevations)
Brookwood House Type (Floor Plans)
Birkdale House Type (Elevations)
Birkdale House Type (Floor Plans)
Beeford House Type (Elevations)
Beeford House Type (Floor Plans)
Lytham House Type (Elevations)
Lytham House Type (Floor Plans)
Parkstone House Type (Elevations)
Parkstone House Type (Floor Plans)
"We pride ourselves on putting our customers and our people at the heart of everything we do and making them part of our journey in providing better housing services, homes, and communities.
We want to hear your views and thoughts
about our proposals to develop 60 affordable homes in your community"
Believe housing
In the preparation of the planning application we will collect and review all comments and feed them into the proposed scheme as far as is possible. For further information or to comment on the proposals please complete the Comments Form below; email us your comments to easingtonvillage@planninghouse.co.uk.
Please send your comments to us no later than TUESDAY 11TH JULY 2023.
Any personal information provided as part of this consultation will be managed in accordance with our Private Notice.
Have your say...
Leave your name and email below along with your comments on the proposed development.
Your contact details will not be made public and will be held by Planning House in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations. There will be a further opportunity to comment on the final proposal through Durham County Council’s own consultation process, once the planning application has been submitted. However this may not be as extensive as this consultation.