We are delighted that we have secured planning approval for one of our recurring clients J&B Recycling, at their Sunderland Recycling Facility.Consent was secured for the modification of planning conditions attached to one of their waste recycling facilities in the North East. The variation was required to allow the site to operate on weekends.
The site located within Monument Park, industrial estate in Washington, Sunderland currently processes the Local Authority recycling collections. On occasion such as Good Friday and Bank Holidays during the festive period refuse/recycling collections sometimes occur on a weekend. The current condition restricts operation of the site on Saturday afternoons and weekends. This impacts on instances when materials cannot be processed which ultimately results in delays in the process and materials being stored at the site for longer than necessary.
The variation of the conditions to allow operation on the weekend will improve efficiency of the site and allow for processing of recycling in line with Local Authority collection dates which vary depending on what days/dates bank holidays fall within any year.
Sunderland City Council supported the improvement to the operation and approved the application.
Congratulations J&B Recycling , its a pleasure to work with you again!
If you’re looking at progressing a planning proposal take a look at our eBook on the Application Process.
And if you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.