Planning Success – Affordable Homes in Gateshead

Planning House are delighted to have been involved in a project comprising the demolition of an existing library, removal of existing play area and hard standings to create a number of affordable homes in Gateshead.  This includes the erection of apartment block comprising 43 no. affordable rented flats and communal facilities and 12 no. affordable rented bungalows with associated access, parking, hard and soft landscaping.  Installation of new play equipment and associated works in Gateshead.

The scheme was lead by Edwards Architecture with Planning House providing planning support.  With 57 conditions attached to the decision notice it’s a lengthy approval from Gateshead Council.

The proposal was  submitted by a registered charity which currently operates sheltered accommodation within the area. The approved development will provide a new sheltered accommodation facility to replace and upgrade the existing accommodation.

The development will facilitate independent living with low level support available on site.  With accommodation targeted towards residents of limited financial means, the proposed development will provide a much-needed housing scheme which will significantly contribute towards housing numbers generally and more specifically sheltered accommodation and accommodation for older persons for which there is an identified need.

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Affordable homes in Gateshead