Planning Success – change of use of shop to café

We are over the moon to have secured planning permission for the change of use of the ground floor of the building shop to a café.  The application also proposed the installation of bi-fold doors to the east elevation and alterations to the shop front to the north elevation.  As well as the external changes to the building, the proposal included change of use of adjacent land to east from open space to café, along with the installation of planters and a retractable awning.

Our clients proposal to create an external seating area and carry out alterations to the existing building on a corner of Acorn Road Local Centre was considered appropriate to the centre, the outside seating would offer a safe way for people to meet up for a coffee and a chat. The visual benefits of the proposals were considered by Officers and Newcastle’s Planning Committee to be acceptable and subject to conditions, it was not considered that residential amenity would be adversely affected by the proposed development.

Some local residents did raise concerns during the consultation process as initially the proposal included a pergola structure.  However by working with a positive and proactive case officer (shout out to Colin Rising in Newcastle Planning Department), the scheme was amended to everyone’s satisfaction and our clients delight.

Sometimes you have to flexible in your approach to planning proposals, plans can change.  Before embarking on your project make sure you read our article Make an Ally of your Planning Officer be aware that some Council officers will not engage but the good ones will!

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Our eBook on the Application Process has details on the planning process, however if you need assistance then don’t hesitate to Contact Us.

If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.

planning permission secured Newcastle upon Tyne