Planning House are delighted to have worked again with the Hennessy Group securing planning permission for change of use of a residential property with dog groomers to a Children’s Home (C2 Use Class).
In this instance the new home will support children with complex needs in a safe and proactive way. The home will cater for up to 5 children in total. With 4 young people between the ages of 8-18 living as a family / single household, with care provided. All residents will have their own bedroom, with communal living facilities as you would find in any dwellinghouse.
The property will also include an independent flat within the existing building to allow a young person to have independent living into a safe environment in preparation for leaving the home. In total up to 5 children will be provided a safe and supported place to live ran by the Hennessy Group.
An existing stable block closest to the house will be converted into an office for staff with wash facilities to allow staff privacy given that the use of the site also will include therapeutic equestrian facilities, which would be available for the young people within the home.
It’s a unique children’s home development which we’re very proud to have supported our client in securing the necessary planning permission.
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Our eBook on the Application Process has details on the planning process, however if you need assistance then don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.