Planning Success – Affordable Housing Murton, Co. Durham

Planning House are delighted to share that planning approval has been secured for a 22 home affordable housing scheme in Murton, County Durham. This is on behalf of Believe Housing with a unanimous vote of approval at planning committee.

The site was will provide a mix of house types, including bungalows, to meet the identified need in the local area.  The homes will be 100% affordable housing with a tenure of Affordable Rent and Rent to Buy.

The proposed development will provide much needed affordable housing on a site within a highly sustainable location and in accordance with planning policy will make the most effective use of sustainable land to address housing need in the area.

The design of each property has been carefully considered to ensure the proposed development will be visually attractive and of a high quality, in keeping with the existing residential area. The layout and proposed landscaping will create a sense of place linking the new properties with the existing residential rea in a sympathetic and respectful way.   The development will retain trees where possible and include landscaped areas of public open space and amenity space.

The application was supported by officers with a recommendation of approval and approved unanimously by members of the Central and East Durham Planning Committee.

It was great to work with the whole design team on this scheme.  We are looking forward to seeing work commence as soon as the legal agreement is entered into, and conditions are discharged.

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The outcome of the planning process depends on how effectively people work together: those who guide and control design; those who initiate and implement development; and the planners who manage the process and make the decisions. This was certainly an influencing factor in the success of this planning success. For more information about this, check out our blog post ‘Collaborate & Communicate: Meaningful Engagement is Crucial‘.

If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.

Affordable Housing secured planning permission in Durham