Learn Globally, Apply Locally: Celebrating World Town Planning Day 2023

On November 8th every year, the world unites to celebrate World Town Planning Day, an occasion that transcends borders and cultures, emphasising the profound impact of good planning on people’s lives and the well-being of society. As we mark this day, Planning House, UK Town Planning Consultants, joins the global community in acknowledging the transformative power of planning.

The Origin of World Town Planning Day

The inception of World Town Planning Day can be traced back to the visionary Argentinian professor Carlos María della Paolera. An alumnus of the Institut d’urbanisme in Paris, he initiated this day of celebration in Buenos Aires in 1949. Since then, this event has gained momentum and is now observed in 30 countries spanning four continents.

A Global Celebration of Planning Excellence

World Town Planning Day serves as a unique platform to recognise and champion the pivotal role played by planners and planning in shaping healthy, prosperous, and thriving communities. It highlights the importance of creating places where people can live, work, and play harmoniously.

Learning from Planning Cultures Worldwide

At Planning House, we firmly believe in the value of learning from planning cultures around the world. In an increasingly interconnected global landscape, the exchange of ideas, strategies, and best practices is crucial. By understanding planning approaches from different parts of the globe, we can foster innovation and adapt sustainable solutions to address the pressing challenges of our time.

Fostering Innovation

World Town Planning Day encourages us to think beyond our borders and embrace innovation. By examining successful planning initiatives from diverse corners of the world, we gain fresh perspectives and insights that can be applied locally. Innovation thrives when we embrace the global community of planners and draw inspiration from their experiences.

Sustainability and Equitability

Planning transcends geographical boundaries when it comes to addressing global issues such as climate change, urbanisation, and social inequality. Learning from different planning cultures equips us to create sustainable and equitable solutions tailored to the specific needs of our communities. As we celebrate World Town Planning Day, let us remember that our commitment to a better world knows no borders.

Global Inspiration

Here are a few notable examples of how learning from planning cultures worldwide can inspire innovative, sustainable, and equitable solutions:

Curitiba, Brazil – Bus Rapid Transit (BRT): The Curitiba BRT system, known as the “BRT Innovator,” has revolutionised urban transportation. By studying this pioneering example of efficient public transit, UK planners can explore innovative ways to improve mobility and reduce traffic congestion in their own cities.

Copenhagen, Denmark – Cycling Infrastructure: Copenhagen is renowned for its world-class cycling infrastructure. By examining the Danish model, UK planners can gain insights into creating bike-friendly cities, promoting sustainable transportation, and enhancing the quality of life for residents.

Singapore – Vertical Greenery: Singapore has pioneered the integration of green spaces into urban environments through vertical gardens and green roofs. This approach not only enhances the city’s aesthetics but also contributes to air quality, biodiversity, and overall well-being. UK planners can explore similar strategies to promote sustainability and urban greenery.

Vancouver, Canada – Inclusive Urban Design: Vancouver is celebrated for its commitment to inclusive urban design, making the city accessible and welcoming to people of all abilities. Learning from Vancouver’s experiences can guide UK planners in creating truly equitable and accessible communities.

Seoul, South Korea – Urban Regeneration: Seoul’s successful urban regeneration projects, such as the Cheonggyecheon Stream restoration, demonstrate how cities can revitalize underutilised areas and enhance their appeal. UK planners can draw inspiration from these projects to breathe new life into neglected urban spaces.

Amsterdam, Netherlands – Mixed-Use Development: Amsterdam’s approach to mixed-use development creates vibrant neighbourhoods where people live, work, and socialise within the same area. This concept fosters community engagement and reduces the need for long commutes, offering valuable lessons for UK planners seeking to create more self-sustaining communities.

By actively engaging with these and other international examples of successful planning practices, UK town planners can adapt and integrate innovative ideas, techniques, and strategies into their own work. Learning from planning cultures worldwide not only enriches our understanding of urban planning but also empowers us to craft solutions that address local challenges while drawing on the best practices from across the globe.

Join Us in Celebrating World Town Planning Day 2023

Planning House invites you to join us in celebrating World Town Planning Day 2023. Let’s take this opportunity to reflect on the global impact of planning, foster innovation, and commit ourselves to creating healthier, more prosperous, and equitable communities right here in the UK. As we learn globally, we can truly apply these lessons locally to build a better future for all.

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World Town Planning Day 2023