Planning Success – Advertisement Consent

We are happy to have secured advertisement consent for the display of 1no. non-illuminated free standing entrance sign, 1no. non-illuminated retrospective free standing entrance sign and 1no. non-illuminated proposed building sign at a site in Hartlepool.

The application site is at the entrance to the Seymour’s Training Academy, which we assisted in securing planning permission for earlier this year.  The immediate and wider surrounding area is characterised by commercial/industrial businesses.

Seymour Skills Academy is a specialist North East based training centre providing a wide range of accredited and bespoke construction and civil engineering plant training. The Skills Academy offers learners the opportunity to train within an 11 acre, real-life construction site environment, equipped with industrial plant and machinery, a specialist confined space unit, classrooms and welfare facilities.  We’re thrilled to have played a small part in such a fantastic venture.

Hartlepool Borough Council considered that the proposed adverts would not cause any significant demonstrable harm to the visual amenity of the immediate and wider surrounding area or result in any detrimental impact on the amenity of those surrounding neighbouring land users to warrant a refusal of the application.  We’re happy to have received the approval, however we are a little disappointed that it took 4 months for such a simple application to be processed.

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If you do find yourself in a situation where you’ve carried out works without consent, be mindful that enforcement issues can be complex and fast paced.  Take a look at our Enforcement eBook which uncovers everything you need to know about breaches of planning control, including enforcement time limits, non-compliance, the range of methods used to tackle a breach and different types of enforcement notice.

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Advertisement Consent