Planning Success – Alterations to HMO’s in Loughborough

Planning House have had another fantastic planning success story they wish to share with you, it’s for Alterations to HMO’s in the beautiful Loughborough.

The application site, comprises 2 properties which are in use as C4 HMO’s (Houses in Multiple Occupation), is typical of the vertically proportioned terraced dwellings which characterise the locality.

The Properties form part of a series of brick built terraced properties which are situated within the Limits to Development of Loughborough.

Having regard to the sustainable location, the proposed development was considered to be Acceptable by Charnwood Borough Council. The nature of the proposed development, in the form of a series of extensions and alterations to the existing HMOs, largely concealed from the public domain within the private rear aspect, is such that the scale, massing and detailing is considered to deliver a standard of design which sits quietly within its built context and is not considered to give rise to harm to the character and appearance of the streetscene, the reasonable amenities of neighbouring land users nor adversely impact upon highway safety.  On this basis Charnwood Borough Council approved the scheme.

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As well as our set of FREE EBOOKS offering information on the basics of key town planning topics, we’ve also produced handy practical guides to help unravel the red tape of town planning.

Our Practical Guide Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) is available if you are considered a HMO development.  If you are in need of further assistance with anything related to HMO planning, a Town Planner can provide you with the guidance you need for a smooth transition please feel free to CONTACT US to discuss your situation.

If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.