Planning Success – Amendment of Planning Approval for Major Development

How do you amend Planning Permission? is a scary but serious question that is often asked.  Well our brilliant Helen has done it again,  she has recently secured  approval for a s73 application for a Major Residential Development.   A s73 application enables an applicant to develop  without compliance with conditions attached to a previous planning permission.  Under this process a local planning authority may amend or remove conditions.

The s73 submission sought to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of H/2019/0260 to reflect amendments made to substitute the house types from what has been previously approved on the site.

The amendments consist of substitution of house types on plot numbers 28-33.  These dwellings will remain as three bedroom properties with an amended layout as detailed by the plans submitted to accompany the  application. These changes were required to facilitate the next phase of the development.

We can’t wait to see this development built out by our client Port Homes .

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If you have received a planning approval it’s essential you know what conditions are attached, what they cover and how they can be complied with.  Read out article Understanding Planning Conditions which details the top 5 things to know about planning conditions.

If you need to amend Planning Permission take a look at our recent blog explaining this How do you amend a planning permission – s96 v s73.

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