Planning Success – Annex in Elton

Planning House were delighted to assist SJD Architecture in gaining planning approval for an annex in Elton.

The application sought to create a substantial detached annex associated with a recently converted public house to a residential property.

Annexes can provide additional accommodation for dependent relatives. In this instance, the proposed annex building is detached from and located approximately 15 metres to the north of the main dwelling.  The annex would be single storey and subordinate to the main dwelling in terms of size and scale.  Furthermore, whilst a substantial annex due to the modest level of accommodation within the annex, the occupiers would be reliant on the main dwelling for day to day living, and the annexe would be functionally linked and ancillary to the main dwelling.

As such, Stockton Borough Council found that the proposed building would function as ancillary accommodation to the main dwelling, utilising the same access and sharing private amenity space, and as such would not impact upon the character of this residential plot. The building would be in keeping with the size of the main dwelling, which is in the process of being extended, and also the size of the site as a whole.  On this basis the application was approved.

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Sometimes for minor development you don’t need the help of a Town Planner, read our Handy Guide to the Planning Application Process  or our FREE eBook about the application process.  If you’re not sure if you need help from a Town Planner take a look at blog on When to Hire a Town Planner our download a Guide on How to Choose a Town Planner.

As always if you need help with your proposal, CONTACT US, we’re always happy to chat through a proposal.

Planning success - annex in Elton Stockton on Tees