Planning Success – Retrospective Works Hartlepool

Planning House are thrilled to secure retrospective planning permission.  The approval related to an extension to a beer garden with a raised decking area at a village pub in Hartlepool.

The applicant carried out work during the Covid-19 restrictions.  Which provided a more pleasant outdoor seating area.  Ensuring the local village pub which is a hub in the community could continue to operate.

Planning House submitted the application to Hartlepool Borough Council. And provided advice regarding a few minor amendments to address neighbour concerns.  As the application was retrospective it was considered by Planning Committee and thankfully received approval.

The applicant and his patrons are delighted that the facility will remain and look forward to a warm summer!

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If you do find yourself in a situation where you’ve carried out works without consent, be mindful that enforcement issues can be complex and fast paced.  Take a look at our Enforcement eBook which uncovers everything you need to know about breaches of planning control, including enforcement time limits, non-compliance, the range of methods used to tackle a breach and different types of enforcement notice.

Our blog covering situations such as this, can also be useful– Oh No I Don’t Have Planning Permission! 

We provide lots of FREE advice and guidance and our eBook on the Application Process provides a basic guide on the planning process if you find yourself in a situation where you need to submit an application for retrospective works.

If you’re not sure Contact Us for a chat about next steps.