Planning Success – Retrospective Planning Permission for Canopy

Planning House are pleased to have secured retrospective planning permission for a canopy, which is in situ.  The application sought to regularise the development.  The canopy is required in direct association with an existing use and provides a sheltered area for loading and unloading associated with the operational warehouse.

The canopy is located to the rear of the building and is well screened in the wider locality. As such it was considered by Durham County Council that the retention of the development causes no adverse harm to the external character or appearance of the premises or amenities of the wider setting given its sympathetic siting to the rear of the premises and is screened by the original landscaping and that there were no highway safety issues.

The decision was issued within the statutory timeframe of 8 weeks, which given the pressure on resources at Durham County Council (as others in England) is very welcomed.

Related Content

If you do find yourself in a situation where you’ve carried out works without consent, be mindful that enforcement issues can be complex and fast paced.  Take a look at our Enforcement eBook which uncovers everything you need to know about breaches of planning control, including enforcement time limits, non-compliance, the range of methods used to tackle a breach and different types of enforcement notice.

Our blog covering situations such as this, can also be useful– Oh No I Don’t Have Planning Permission! 

We provide lots of FREE advice and guidance and our eBook on the Application Process provides a basic guide on the planning process if you find yourself in a situation where you need to submit an application for retrospective works.

If you’re not sure Contact Us for a chat about next steps.

Retrospective Planning Permission for Canopy