We’ve published articles about the Housing Crisis before, alongside other planning professionals, however when we see articles like the recent one by the BBC highlighting that rough sleeping is up more than a quarter in a year, we have to acknowledge that planning plays a fundamental part in tackling the issue.… More >>
Tag Archives: #HousingCrisis
Affordable Housing Emergency
The Land Promoters and Developers Federation (LPDF) have published ‘An Affordable Housing Emergency’, to shine spotlight on the current lack of affordable housing supply in England.… More >>
Planning Success – Council Housing, Hartlepool
Planning House have a passion for social housing, and we’re absolutely ecstatic to have assisted in securing approval for an affordable residential development scheme comprising the erection of 18 no.… More >>
National Stay At Home Sleep Out
Lockdown has been hard for all of us. But imagine if you had no home, no bed, no food and nowhere you felt safe.… More >>
The Housing Crisis: Why we need more social housing
England has a housing crisis. Not enough homes are being built, with a particular lack of social and affordable housing for those who are most at need in society.… More >>
The Housing Crisis
Anyone who follows the news should be aware that the UK is in the midst of a housing crisis.… More >>